Article publié le 24 janvier 2022 dans le magazine UC Today, publication de référence sur les technologies de Communications Unifiées et de travail collaboratif.
Une analyse des opportunités offertes par la plateforme hybride CCaaS ALE Connect par la rédaction d’UC Today, basée sur l’interview en anglais de Ludovic LECLERC, Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise et Philippe GUIHENEUC, Directeur Marketing AKIO.
A lire pour en savoir plus sur l’offre destinée aux Call Centers équipés d’un PBX Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, qui permet de bénéficier de l’application cloud centre de contacts digital (email, chat, réseaux sociaux) d’AKIO pour une gestion unifiée des interactions clients.
Extraits :
“Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, and AKIO are two organisations in the communication landscape with plenty of experience understanding how valuable every customer conversation can be. Now, the two brands are joining forces to deliver hybrid CCaaS to the masses.”
“Philippe told me that new channels like Facebook Messenger, chat, and Twitter still only represent a small part of the exchanges happening between customers and brands, but they’ve been growing rapidly for a few months. “Among younger generations, these channels are becoming the number one choice. Not offering these channels means cutting off part of your customer base.”
“Ludovic went on to suggest companies should start from where they are. If a customer service solution already handles calls efficiently, there’s no need to break and replace everything.”
“It’s a hybrid, but also fully-integrated PBX-CCaaS offer, designed primarily for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise customers who want to be able to respond to their customers through additional digital channels.”
Lire l’article complet : Discussing Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s Hybrid CCaaS Opportunity